The culture in which you live focuses on prosperity.  Everywhere you look the focus is on having money, and having lots of it.  There seems to be some get rich scheme in every direction you turn.  Becoming wealthy quickly covers things from real estate, to the stock market, to investing in gold, to get rich… Read Article →

You may not read much, but during your life time, a few books you have read stand out in your mind.  It may be a required reading book that you read during school.  The title did not impress you, but as you read the book, it gripped you.  Or, it may just be that casual… Read Article →

You have some interests, and you focus on doing those things that you like.  Whatever you like to do, is what you spend most of your time doing.  The fact that it brings you enjoyment, motivates you to focus on that area of your life. Just because you like to do something, does not mean… Read Article →

You like it when you do a good job at something and you are recognized.  You work hard, and you enjoy being recognized for good work.  In fact, when you put forth a lot of effort and do not receive any accolades, you feel low in spirit or even depressed. Albert Einstein had some keen… Read Article →

You like new things.  Remember that first day of school?  You could not wait to go to school.  After you got into school, you wanted to be in middle school.  After that you greatly anticipated being in high school, and then in college.  After college, you were biting at the bit to start that first… Read Article →

You can think of a place you call home.  That place may or may not be the epitome of love and care.  A good thing to know, though, is that no matter where your place of lodging, there is love, concern, affirmation, and acceptance in the church – your Christian home.  As you come for… Read Article →

You attend any evangelical church and hear during the sermon, that you need to be born again.  To the unbeliever, that prompts any thinking person, to wonder what in the world the preacher is talking about.  Even among believers, the meaning of being born again means different things depending upon what church/denomination they belong to. … Read Article →

The place you work has some goals they establish at the beginning of the year to be completed by the end of the year.  If you are a student, you know what classes you must take each semester to one day graduate.  Keeping those milestones, that need to be accomplished, in view helps you reach… Read Article →

From the time you began to talk, you began asking questions.  In fact, asking questions was how you learned.  You would ask a question and an adult would give you the answer.  Seldom did you ask a question without an answer being given.  As you entered adolescence, questioning again hits a peak.  During these years,… Read Article →

When you think of moving upward in your Christian life, what do you think of?  Being on a worship team in your church?  Being a teacher of a large class at church?  Being selected as a deacon?  Those are all good goals, but they are not necessarily what the Bible teaches about moving up spiritually…. Read Article →

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