You are doing well.  You are staying consistent in your weekly church attendance; you are better at daily reading the Word of God, even putting your Christianity into daily practice. “One of the highest of human duties is the duty of encouragement… It is easy to laugh at men’s ideals; it is easy to pour… Read Article →

As you think of your true love, what do you think about?  It could be your boyfriend or girlfriend or wife or husband.  Which is all good and well, as you should have a deep love for them.  After all, finding that wife or husband is the second most important decision of your life.  Of… Read Article →

You study your Bible and learn what it says and what it means.  Your study includes personal Bible study, listening to preachers, and discussing theological truths with Christian friends.  You desire to know God.  You want to know Him, but not on a superficial shallow way, but to know the deep truths in the Bible…. Read Article →

You wake up each day and go to work or go to school.  The day may seem long and gruesome.  It may be, that no matter where you turn, there seems to be one obstacle after another.  You feel as though you cannot keep your head above the stresses and demands you face each day…. Read Article →

Funny thing about people that cross your path: you probably do not remember much about them, but you definitely remember how they treated you.  If that person was mean, quick tempered, vulgar, negative, or had other negative traits, you remember that is the way they treated you in like manner.  If that person was loving,… Read Article →

You want your life to count.  You desire that your days on earth be filled with goodness and blessings.  If you listen to the world around you, it will tell you to seek enjoyment in any way that brings you instant satisfaction.  Worldly seekers look for the best in this life by drugs, sex, alcohol,… Read Article →

Your life is full of times when a little assistance is much needed.  This is never more the case than when a need for kindness and compassion is essential.  At those times, the compassion you receive is like a balm that soothes you as nothing else can. When your life requires a little compassion, you… Read Article →

Since you were a child, whenever your back was against the wall and you needed help, you learned to ask for assistance.  This is all good and well for the child, but somewhere along the way to adulthood, you lost that ability.  Now, that you are not a child, you find it hard to ask… Read Article →

Reading is required when you are in school.  Your textbooks were there to read and to study.  To a large degree, the grades you got in the courses you took, depended how well you knew the material in those class texts. When you get out of school, there is a certain amount of reading to… Read Article →

You like to think that you are wise and make wise decisions.  You put forth your best thinking before making a decision. You do this to make sure you do the best that you can do.  Since you view yourself as a wise person, you do not feel like you make foolish decisions very often…. Read Article →

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