When you were a youngster, you had one objective in mind – to have as much fun as possible.  You seized every opportunity that came along to turn it into some playful activity.  You endured work that had to be done, but the objective of the work was to do it so that you could… Read Article →

You live your life in such a way that it is meaningful to you.  You want to make a difference in the lives of your family.  You want your life to count.  When you are dead and gone, you want others to think about you in a positive way.  And if the truth be told,… Read Article →

When you were a child, you wanted to be married one day.  You would play make believe, as you imagined yourself as being the father.  You wanted to be a father with children. You grew up and became a father.  Your wife and kiddos look up to you and love you with a love that… Read Article →

As you think back over your life, you can remember several times that you were foolish.  You definitely knew better, but at the time your wise thoughts went out the window.  The result was a very foolish act on your part.  You and I have both done things that afterwards we thought how foolish we… Read Article →

You know that you did something wrong.  What is worse, you have been found out.  The deed you thought was done in secret has now come into full light.  What did you do?  The tendency is to avoid the issue.  If that does not work, you stretch the truth.  Both of those tendencies are not… Read Article →

When you were a child, certain other children wanted you on their team, because they knew you were good at what they were playing.  As the game progressed, and they needed some help, they knew they could count on you to do what was needed. As you grew older, you made friends and those friends… Read Article →

A lot of how you respond to life depends upon your responses to the challenges that life brings your way.  It is not so much the exact trial or circumstance that happen to you, as much as it is the way you handle those events.  It is true that everyone has different life events to… Read Article →

Remember your first boyfriend or girlfriend?  You were probably a young child when cupid‘s arrow struck your heart.  You would call her your girlfriend or your boyfriend.  To your parents you probably told them that one day you would marry that person. As the days past, you had other boyfriends and girlfriends.  The time came,… Read Article →

When you were a child you played follow the leader.  No matter what the leader did, or where he went, you would follow him.  The leader was in charge.  If you did not do exactly what the leader did, then you were out of the game.  And of course, you wanted to a part of… Read Article →

One of the first things you learn as a new Christian is just how abundantly God blesses your life.  You pray; God answers.  It amazes you just how many blessings Jesus brings your way.  You feel His joy and peace. If you are not careful, all the blessings the Lord has given you will be… Read Article →

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