From our earliest childhood years, we can remember words of criticism. They may have come from a sibling, a parent, a teacher, a relative, a friend, or someone else. That criticism made such a profound impact on you that you remember it to this day. Sorry to say, but criticisms have followed you… Read Article →
You feel so inadequate to pray. You avoid praying in public at all costs. Even in your private life, prayer to Christ seems so foreign. It is something that does not come easy for you to do. Often you pray for those things that are spiritual but matters you are… Read Article →
You want a happy life. That is the reason you use your time away from work or school to do things you enjoy. No matter how you spend that free time, those activities bring you joy and happiness. Filling your life with many toys or goods that this earth has to offer, does… Read Article →
You want to live a happy life. That is the American dream. Every person in the USA wants to live a life of ease and comfort. You want to enjoy the better things that this life has to offer. There is nothing wrong with that mind-set, so long as you have the right biblical… Read Article →
You spend a lot of time going to school to learn general knowledge. Some of you may even have gone onto higher learning to know specific knowledge that prepares you for a profession. You learn those things to make you a better person individually, socially, and professionally. What is true of your professional… Read Article →
From the time you were a very small child, you set your eyes on obtaining riches. You wanted so much to have the good things in life. What exactly those good things would actually be, varies from person to person. The fact remains, though, that riches are something that you… Read Article →
Tomorrow is Independence Day. In the USA, we celebrate our freedom as a nation. We are an independent nation, not bound by the laws and restrictions placed on us by England. It is a great day to relax and have some fun with family and/or friends. We celebrate and… Read Article →
There is one thing that I truly do not understand. That is the Christian who goes around all day looking like they have been sucking on a lemon. They look grumpy. They sound grumpy. They are grumpy. That kind of person does nothing to attract an unbeliever into the kingdom of God. An… Read Article →
There are certain things that other people do that will embarrass you. You have no control over those situations. There are, also, some things that you do or say that embarrass you. How you respond to those things says a lot about your character. Sometimes when you embarrass… Read Article →
If you are like me, you say things that you have to ask for forgiveness for saying. I am a jovial type of guy, who likes to have a good time. Making people smile and laugh is one of my spiritual gifts, at least in my eyes. Ha! My… Read Article →