Sometimes it is good to stop and take a close internal examination of who you really are. Start with the good points; they will be less painful. Make a list of your positive character traits. In the next column, make a list of your negative characteristics. This will take some serious and deeply honest introspection…. Read Article →
Posts By: Robin Brumfield
Once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, everything changes. Your eternal destiny changes, your love for God and His Word changes, your ability to understand the Bible changes, your friends change, and on it goes. Now, when you pick up the Holy Bible and read it, it makes sense to you and… Read Article →
When the bottom falls out in your life, you know that you should stand firm. This takes a lot of prayer and some good old determination. With the Lord’s help, time passes and life moves on with a spring in your step and freshness to your perspective. What concerns me is your need to continue… Read Article →
You may presently feel the urge to start something new or start doing something you stopped doing in the past. There are several things that come to your mind: start an exercise program, start that diet one more time, begin a new hobby, begin again your daily Bible devotions, attend church regularly, or be more… Read Article →
Camping goes way back for me, starting in my childhood days. When I was 9 or 10 my best friend of mine and I would camp out in a tent in my backyard in the Summer in New Orleans. Without my parents knowing it at about 1:00am we would venture out into the suburb streets… Read Article →
In the Bible Belt, a lot of Christians feel they must be in church every Sunday because it is Sunday. After all, it is what any upstanding believer does on Sunday; he/she goes to church. Don’t get me wrong. Nobody is more of an advocate of going and encouraging other believers to go to church… Read Article →
More often than not, you can tell what is important in your life by what you ponder during the day and by what you spend most of your time doing. For most people, family is a high priority in their life, and they spend a lot of time spending time with family. Others find that… Read Article →
You wake up every morning and go through your daily routine. It may be going to work, doing housework, daily tasks around the house, going to school, or whatever. The question is not asking what you do, but what are you accomplishing. What are you accomplishing by doing your daily tasks? I have no doubt… Read Article →
Let’s face it, no matter how hard we try, life comes up with some troubled waters at times. That is not what bothers so many people. What brings deep emotional and spiritual heartache to so many is that life seems to be one big worry after another. No matter how hard these people try, they… Read Article →
Every year on February 14 lovers send flowers, cards, balloons, stuffed animals, etc. to their loved one. What an expression of sentiment that shows to the other person. How elated these loved ones feel when they send, as well as, receive such gifts. I say, “May their tribe increase.” You need to spread more love… Read Article →