Posts By: Robin Brumfield

Hopefully, you have not been beat up by life so long and so hard that you no longer have dreams.  Dreams give you something to live for.  They give meaning to everyday daily living.  Dreams should not be some vague thought in never-never land.  Dreams are to be some goal that you have that is… Read Article →

Most teenagers can’t wait to get married   Although, more and more young people are waiting until their early twenties or afterward to enter into the marital lifestyle.  Those that do get married, find that after tying the knot, their relationship requires attention for it to flourish.             “When Winston Churchill was prime minister of Great… Read Article →

So many activities in life require preparedness.  When you are in school you stayed prepared on a daily basis.  There is homework that needs to be done daily and tests that come around sooner than you would like.  After school is finished, so many careers require frequent educational seminars and/or periodic reading to keep you… Read Article →

In days past, the pastor was one of the most respected citizens in town.  He was highly regarded in the community.  The people respected him as a man of God and a leader in their city. Your pastor is someone whom you should respect and hold in high honor.  The Lord God has selected him… Read Article →

When you became a Christian, there was a sudden change that happened inside you.  You may have felt tremendous joy or peace.  You had an assurance that you are now going to heaven instead of hell.  The result of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, was that you wanted others to have the… Read Article →

You sing that hymn, “Blessed Assurance,” which includes the words—Jesus is mine.  You struggle to believe with your whole heart that you are Jesus’ child.  You feel that way often.  You struggle with actually believing that you are a child of God.  You may be new Christian or one who has been saved a long… Read Article →

You like to receive gifts.  That is one reason you enjoy your birthday so much because you get gifts you truly enjoy.  The gift can be anything from money, to something you really wanted, to spending time with your family over a much-enjoyed meal.  Another holiday you enjoy is Christmas.  Getting together with family may… Read Article →

You want to live your life to the fullest.  Your desire is to seize life by the throat and make every minute count.  Squeezing every ounce of every moment yields the gusto in life that is desired.  After all, life is too short not to get the most of it while you can. This boils… Read Article →

You want to be a success in what you do.  This may be to be successful in your occupation, in your walk with Jesus, in your marriage, in your classroom studies, or whatever area of life it may be.  You struggle with achieving that particular goal for yourself in life. To be a success in… Read Article →

When you started school, you began to learn those essential skills that would prove essential to your existence upon planet earth.  As the old timers used to say, the three R’s are reading, writing, and arithmetic.  There is much to say about these three subjects; for the sake of time and space, let’s spend a… Read Article →

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