When you were a new Christian, the Holy Bible was very easy to understand after you read it awhile. As time moved forward, and you studied the Scriptures more, you found that there were numerous verses that puzzled you. When you talk to unbelievers, you soon find out that almost all of the Word of… Read Article →
Posts By: Robin Brumfield
You have a daily goal. It may not be written down, but whatever you do today and every day reflects your daily goal. It is often those things that you accomplish, or want to accomplish, that you put as a high priority to daily doing them. When James Calvert sailed to the Fiji Islands as… Read Article →
You live each day to the fullest. You look optimistically at what lies ahead and have a positive outlook on each day. Having this perspective is biblical and frankly it is the best way to approach life on planet earth. Although not mentioned much, it is also healthy to keep in mind that one day… Read Article →
When you think of something that is absolutely essential to your existence, you may think of oxygen. That is an essential element in air for you to exist, but what attribute is essential? You may think of love. Research shows that without love a person cannot perform to their fullest potential. You may consider peace… Read Article →
There are several activities in life that require you to put all your energy into it for it to be successful. To remain healthy and fit requires an all-out effort. You cannot make gains physically by only doing it when it is convenient or when you feel like it. It only happens when done on… Read Article →
Chances are, you are not the top dog in your vocation. You are below someone else. When you think of your position at church, others probably shine in their gifts more than you do. In professional sports, the player on the bench that is second string has to come to grips that he/she is not… Read Article →
Your life is full of event after event, and one thing after another. You no sooner get finished doing one thing, when something else screams for your attention. It does not matter if you have a full-time job or if you are retired. Life keeps you busy from sunrise to sunset. Even the weekends are… Read Article →
As you live your life, letting Jesus Christ shine through your life, you run across some people who say they do not believe there is a God. Whether they admit it or not, they are an atheist. Do not shy away from telling them the Good News of Jesus Christ. The protests some atheists go… Read Article →
Hopefully, you find time on a regular basis to stop and reflect on godly truths. When you have time to ponder the deep things of God, what do you think about? (If you do not let your mind wrestle with the deep things of God, then you need to start doing so.) You might meditate… Read Article →
Your attitude plays an important part of how you perceive daily life. It can make the difference between you feeling like an overcomer or a defeated person in the events that occur to you. This is the most important decision you can make daily. It is more important than prayer, Bible study, going to church,… Read Article →