Posts By: Robin Brumfield

You graduate from school and soon get a job.  While working at your vocation, you ponder the meaning of life.  Depending upon your maturity in Christ, this will determine your perspective.  The closer you get to the Lord Jesus, the more that life on earth makes sense.  This relieves a lot of anxiety that many… Read Article →

You are faced with many situations on a daily basis.  Some are easily solved and cause little or no stress in your life.  Others, seem so daunting that they seem to have no viable solution.  The fact is, those life experiences linger with no solution, causing you to feel overwhelmed and hopeless. My mentor, Chuck… Read Article →

When you attend church, you prefer everything in the message to be positive and uplifting.  You want to hear a message that makes you feel good.  That is the modus operandi of most churches in the USA today.  Pastors want more to be liked and have large crowds coming, than they do in teaching the… Read Article →

When you are around Oriental people, you quickly realize that they arrive very early to every appointment.  They respect the time of the person they are coming to see; therefore, they do not want that person to wait on them. With an anticipation of arriving early, you come prepared for the visit at hand.  That… Read Article →

Your focus on being a successful person may have started in childhood prior to attending school.  If it did not start there, then when you went to school, your focus on being successful became evident.  In school there was a focus on grades and achievement to be the best in the class.  An attitude of… Read Article →

After you have been a Christian for a while, the newness of the gospel wears off.  What was once new and exciting, now becomes mundane and uninteresting.  The joy of reading your Bible is gone.  Along with the familiarity of the Bible comes decreased time spent in God’s Word and often loss of interest in… Read Article →

You have reached a place in your life, sometimes, when it was all you could do to cope with life.  You felt like all your energy was spent just keeping your head above the water.  Every so often, life brings with it those trying days when mere survival takes all your energy. Those days come… Read Article →

When you were a new Christian, the Holy Bible was very easy to understand after you read it awhile.  As time moved forward, and you studied the Scriptures more, you found that there were numerous verses that puzzled you.  When you talk to unbelievers, you soon find out that almost all of the Word of… Read Article →

You have a daily goal.  It may not be written down, but whatever you do today and every day reflects your daily goal.  It is often those things that you accomplish, or want to accomplish, that you put as a high priority to daily doing them. When James Calvert sailed to the Fiji Islands as… Read Article →

You live each day to the fullest.  You look optimistically at what lies ahead and have a positive outlook on each day.  Having this perspective is biblical and frankly it is the best way to approach life on planet earth.  Although not mentioned much, it is also healthy to keep in mind that one day… Read Article →

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