Posts By: Robin Brumfield

Think for a few minutes about the most important decision you will make in your life.  You may say that it is where you will live.  You want to live near your family or friends.  Or you may say it is the occupation that you devote your entire life to being successful.  Or, perhaps, you… Read Article →

You may feel like you are boxed in on all sides; that no matter where you turn life has lost its meaning.  The joy of serving the Lord, and life in general, is nowhere to be found.  You are thinking that life must mean more than it does right now. I have a solution for… Read Article →

To consider the end means different things to different people.  You may think of an end to an illness you have, or an end to your schooling, or the end of a working career.  When you think of an end to something, there is a beginning of something else.  So, to enter something new usually… Read Article →

So often the Lord takes someone who is naturally timid and turns them into a person of boldness.  This may apply to you.  As a youth you were shy and not interested in upsetting the apple cart.  You accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, and He began changing your personality.  You became one who was… Read Article →

One of the proceedings that happen at every church service that you attend is that of the ushers taking an offering.  When you visit different churches, you notice that the offering may be taken in a slightly different way than you are accustomed to it being taken.  The fact remains that the church emphasizes the… Read Article →

Has life gotten you down?  Does it seem like life has lost its zest?  Are you running on the treadmill of life without any enjoyment? God never intended for you to live that way.  He wants you to enjoy your pilgrimage while on earth.  Yes, life is meant to be enjoyed.  There are many tasks… Read Article →

happens to send you to the depths of despair.  It lets the air out of your balloon.  Actually, there are several ways that you can wind up feeling defeated.  Let’s focus on the area of criticism.  Often times a critical comment plummets you to the bottom of the pit. Harry A. Ironside was preacher and… Read Article →

You probably think of the movie Star Wars as you ponder the words the dark side.  Those words conger up thoughts of evil.  The Holy Bible does not mention the dark side, but it does mention darkness.  The Scriptures mention darkness as compared to light, and light being God Himself. When thinking about darkness, think… Read Article →

Often, you have prayed and prayed about some request and have a sense of God’s leading.  There comes a time to stop praying and then go about doing what you feel led what God is telling you.  Definitely, pour your heart out to God with your request, but realize there comes a time when you… Read Article →

You want to be the best you can be in life.  That is why you studied to get the job that you have.  You also put your nose to the books and studied to become better at your profession.  You will be left behind, and salary increases will not come in a timely manne, if… Read Article →

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