From your earliest years, you yearn to want and to demand what you want. One of the first words from your mouth was, “Mine!” You see something, and from the start, your passion is to get it. And if you already have something, that tendency to share it with someone else is about… Read Article →
Posts By: Robin Brumfield
So many times in your life, you find that you need a little encouragement. No matter what age you are, there are times when a gentle pat on the back, an uplifting word, or a word from Scripture, can propel you to get back on track. In fact, sometimes you may accomplish even greater… Read Article →
You know that you need help in living a good life. Life is too complicated for you to think you can do it all on your own. To find guidance in right living, you seek other sources. Those sources may be philosophers of the past, motivational books, or modern-day psychologists. As a Christian, you… Read Article →
When you become a Christian, you live your life differently than you did before having a personal relationship with Jesus. Before, your life was filled with whatever gave you fulfillment. You did those things that brought you pleasure. After accepting Christ, as your Lord and Savior, you lived your life according to what the… Read Article →
Knowing that you need to do good deeds every day, and actually doing them are completely different things. You are not a Christian very long, until you learn the importance of doing good deeds for Christ. You want to please Christ so much that performing good deeds for Him is your utmost desire, although… Read Article →
Life has its way of throwing you a few punches. Those punches, sometimes, come one right after another. The result is that you feel defeated. If not remedied, it can affect your emotional and spiritual life. When feeling defeated, you have no desire to accomplish anything in your life. You just want to be… Read Article →
You live in a world that focuses much attention on the material things of this world. You want the fanciest car that you can afford. You want the nicest house that fits into your budget. Then the clothes you wear makes a statement to those you encounter daily. It is hard to get past… Read Article →
You must answer the question as to whether or not you believe in God. And to be specific, the real question is whether you believe in Christ or not? Do you think Christ actually walked on earth? If so, what do you believe about Him? Is He just a good teacher? Or, is He… Read Article →
There is a need to get excited about the things of Christ. You get excited when your football team scores a touchdown. You get excited when an unexpected, special guest wants to have lunch with you. You get excited when a baby is born in your family. So many things stir those heart felt… Read Article →
You live your life on a battle field. The world in which you daily reside, is one skirmish after another. Your sinful nature fights against the spiritual nature within you. Living on planet earth has one temptation after another. To add to your frustration, neither your flesh nor the world ever lets up. About… Read Article →