You accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior. What motivates you to live faithfully for Him on earth? Is it to experience His endless joy? Is it to have unspeakable peace? Or how about limitless love? Or is it the blessings He brings your way? All those things are good, but starting with… Read Article →
Posts By: Robin Brumfield
You like to receive more blessings. When the Lord opens the gates of heaven and showers blessings on your life, you totally enjoy it. Life itself seems to be more enjoyable, when it is free of negative life events. Although you enjoy life when blessings are abundant, let me suggest there is even a better… Read Article →
So much of the way you are is a direct result of the world around you. You are influenced by the people you interact with on a daily basis. If those influencers are a good example, then you are prone to do good deeds. If, on the other hand, the people you spend your time… Read Article →
You like to not only do something, but do something in which you get some reward(s). The pot at the end of the rainbow often motivates you to proceed. Either verbally, or unspoken, you want to know what is in it for you. Will all your hard work be worth the rewards you get? After… Read Article →
When you are in school, you strive to make good grades. If that was not your desire, at least the teachers stressed for you to do that. After graduating from school, you settled down in a job. As you work, you do what it takes to get that increase in your yearly salary. Your life… Read Article →
From the moment you become a Christian, your sincere desire is to get closer to God. As a new believer, you start that journey by going to church on a regular basis, changing your circle of friends, and establishing a daily devotion time with God. After your spiritual pilgrimage begins, it is not too long… Read Article →
Have you ever thought on what thinkers ponder? Do they delve into high and lofty thoughts? Do they think of how they can confuse others around them with deep thinking? Of all the many things that a thinker may consume himself, certainly one of those is how he can discuss his thoughts with others. What… Read Article →
In your life you have had numerous occasions where someone made a promise to you but did not follow through. It makes you lose faith in that person. The next time that person promises to do something for you, it makes you not so trustworthy. Thankfully, when God makes promises, He always keeps them. Some… Read Article →
Do you remember your first day of school? You were so excited that you were going to be in school. Your zeal consumed you. Do you remember going into high school? There your zeal escalated as you could not wait to be a high school student. Again, how about that first job? You had zeal… Read Article →
Dark clouds are a part of life. You like the sunny, warm days, but those dark, dreary days occur also. That dark cloud in your life may be a change in a career; or the loss of a loved one; or having to move across the country because of work, or a number of other… Read Article →