There are a number of people in your life that rank as the title of “special person.” It may be a teacher. A mother. A father. A school teacher. A spouse. A child. No matter who they are, you have that relationship with them that screams — favored one. Your list may even have someone… Read Article →
Posts By: Robin Brumfield
When you think of a dragon, you may go back in your mind to those medieval days. But I am not talking about dragons of centuries past. I am talking about present-day dragons. Some people feel they have a dark cloud surrounding them where ever they go. If that is not bad enough, they spew… Read Article →
You know a lot of people who attend church regularly, are involved in many church activities, but have lives that do not match what the Bible teaches. On Sunday, they are an angel to be around, but when the church building is exited, so is their aurora of being heavenly minded. Often, the shift in… Read Article →
You may be one of those who look for something to complain about. No matter how good something may sound, you look for something negative to say about it. With you, there is no such thing a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And the philosophy that every dark cloud has a… Read Article →
You look around you and see so many things that you wonder what the future holds for them. You see political decisions that make you think about the future of your nation. You see business decisions that make you think about the future of that organization. You see physical and spiritual events that lead you… Read Article →
Life is full of ups and downs. You like it when you are on that mountain top experience. At that time, nothing seems to go wrong. You have the bull by the horns, and everything you touch turns to gold. Although you are ecstatic when life is on cloud nine, you know that there is… Read Article →
When you were in school, you had to do a lot of things that you did not like. One of those was to do homework. You did not like having to do homework, but at all levels of education, homework is a requirement. You did homework, not because you liked it, but because the teacher… Read Article →
As a Christian, you have a huge advantage above the unbeliever. You can go to God in prayer anytime, anyplace, and with any need. Knowing that God not only hears your requests, but He, also, answers each and every one of them. This is so reassuring for you. God, in His all-powerful, all-knowing way, answers… Read Article →
You reach a time in your life where the young years are gone and the senior years seem near. Those young, energetic years, are a thing of the past. You are beginning to notice a few aches and pains. When you do outside work or strenuous sports and exercises, the next day you pay for… Read Article →
You may, at this time, be faced with something where you have to overcome tremendous odds stacked against you. Or, the future seems so unsure. No matter what your struggle, you are faced with undaunting fear. Facing fear is one thing, but to overcome it seems impossible to you. You are doing all you can,… Read Article →