Posts By: Robin Brumfield

You have certain habits that are just a part of who you are.  They may be good habits or bad.  Those mannerisms are part of your makeup.  The habits that you have are done, most of the time,  without you even being aware that you are doing them. From time to time it becomes aware… Read Article →

When you became a Christian, you learned that you were saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus.  You had absolutely nothing to do with the process; it was all done by Jesus.  Along with the forgiveness of sins, you received a peace that is beyond your description.  You bask in that abundant peace all… Read Article →

When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are thrilled and want to learn so much about the Lord.  You are fired up and cannot get enough Bible learning.  Then, along the way, temptations occur.  You begin to drift away from that commitment you made.  Before long the joy and zest for… Read Article →

Think back to the first time that you had a crush on someone of the opposite sex.  More than likely, it happened when you started elementary school.  That little boy or girl caused you to focus all your affections upon them.  In your eyes, you fell in love with them. As time passed, there were… Read Article →

Think back in your life, when you needed a little help.  You may not remember it, but your toddler years were full of you getting help.  No matter if it was with walking, with learning to speak, and even learning to eat, they all required a little help from others Fast forward to today.  You… Read Article →

When you think back in your life to the first criticism you remember, you go back in time to when you were a young child.  Children seem to be some of the most critical people around.  Sorry to say, the criticisms you experienced did not end with your childhood.  Critical comments come your way more… Read Article →

You may be at the end of your rope right now, or on top of the world.  If you are stressed out right now, you want help.  The clouds are rolling in and all of them are dark grey and gloomy.  If you are feeling fantastic right now, just know that overcast days will eventually… Read Article →

You have found yourself with your back to the wall, and there seems no place to turn.  It may be some task at work or school that just does not seem to have a solution.  It could be a relationship where too much strife has occurred, and there seems no reconciliation.  It may be a… Read Article →

We live in a world that teaches us to be self-sufficient.  If the job is to get done, then it is up to us to do it.  It is taught at a young age, that what you do is up to you to get it done.  This philosophy follows us through our schooling and into… Read Article →

You look at your life and see dreams that you want to see happen.  It could be professionally, personally, spiritually, but the fact is that you have dreams you want to see happen in your life.  This motivates you to keep at your daily tasks, just hoping and praying that those dreams one day will… Read Article →

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