Posts By: Robin Brumfield

Since you were a child, whenever your back was against the wall and you needed help, you learned to ask for assistance.  This is all good and well for the child, but somewhere along the way to adulthood, you lost that ability.  Now, that you are not a child, you find it hard to ask… Read Article →

Reading is required when you are in school.  Your textbooks were there to read and to study.  To a large degree, the grades you got in the courses you took, depended how well you knew the material in those class texts. When you get out of school, there is a certain amount of reading to… Read Article →

You like to think that you are wise and make wise decisions.  You put forth your best thinking before making a decision. You do this to make sure you do the best that you can do.  Since you view yourself as a wise person, you do not feel like you make foolish decisions very often…. Read Article →

Life is full of episodes where you have to decide what you should do.  You ponder deeply over the matter at hand.  You put your mind into high gear and leave it there for many hours of thought.  You seek the counsel of Godly people.  You give them the specifics at hand and listen intently… Read Article →

For as long as you can remember, you have given advice to others, and you have received advice.  You want to help other people when they are in distress.  It just follows, that you tell them what you think they need to do.  Also, when you are down and out, you seek the advice of… Read Article →

You have been in a situation where someone said something and used little tact in the process.  When that happens, the range of emotions fall between feeling uncomfortable and getting into a heated argument.  It is bad enough when someone does not use tact in talking to us, but what really gets under our skin… Read Article →

You have certain habits that are just a part of who you are.  They may be good habits or bad.  Those mannerisms are part of your makeup.  The habits that you have are done, most of the time,  without you even being aware that you are doing them. From time to time it becomes aware… Read Article →

When you became a Christian, you learned that you were saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus.  You had absolutely nothing to do with the process; it was all done by Jesus.  Along with the forgiveness of sins, you received a peace that is beyond your description.  You bask in that abundant peace all… Read Article →

When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are thrilled and want to learn so much about the Lord.  You are fired up and cannot get enough Bible learning.  Then, along the way, temptations occur.  You begin to drift away from that commitment you made.  Before long the joy and zest for… Read Article →

Think back to the first time that you had a crush on someone of the opposite sex.  More than likely, it happened when you started elementary school.  That little boy or girl caused you to focus all your affections upon them.  In your eyes, you fell in love with them. As time passed, there were… Read Article →

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