I am the guy who tells you to seek the Lord through prayer. Before taking a step in any direction, search the will of Christ in your life through prayer. Pray about it. Then pray about it again. Finally end your pursuit with prayer. Waiting upon Christ to lead you is your best plan… Read Article →
Posts By: Robin Brumfield
Too many times you are talking to someone, and before you know it, you make a fool of yourself. Think for a minute how that all came about. The conversation was going great. There was a transfer of ideas from one to the other. You let your guard down, and you said something foolish. … Read Article →
You go about your life from day-to-day. Most of your time is filled with good days, maybe even, super days. The truth be told, there are too many days you fall short of pleasing Christ. You try hard. You spend time in daily prayer. You are faithful with your devotions. Out of nowhere your… Read Article →
No matter where you are in life, you want to be successful. If you are in school, you want to make the highest grade possible for you. If you are in the workforce, you want to get that next highest pay raise or job promotion. Then in your family, you want to have a… Read Article →
You begin many things during the course of each day of your life. You may start a new task at work or school, try a new food, or start a new habit. Every day is a new day that holds new beginnings. Sandwiched between the beginning of something new and finishing it, are… Read Article →
You like to be recognized for a job well done. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You work hard and put forth a lot of effort and get recognized for the fruit of your labors. In fact, that is done far too seldom. What you need to be careful of, though, are… Read Article →
You may not think about it much, but one day you will die. The thought of dying may scare you. You know what life is like here on earth. What death looks like can be scary. One reason is that life, as you know it, down here on earth ceases. With that cessation of… Read Article →
You find that there are several times in your life when you meet some obstacle and need courage. Hopefully, courage was applied when that need arose. Too often though, we sink instead of standing tall. It helps to stand tall during difficult times if you do some homework before troubled times occur. Just… Read Article →
Every day you are hit broadside with one decision after another. You know the answer to some situations that you face, but others you are unsure what to do. Fortunately, not every day has a huge decision for you to make. Making the right decision carries with it your ability to determine what… Read Article →
You may be a person who has accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, but are not sure what He expects you do. You may think that what is required is for you to do more good deeds than bad at the end of your life. Or, you may think that you need to do… Read Article →