Losing Your Salvation?

Maybe you are thinking that you have lost your salvation, or that you never really accepted Jesus as your Savior to begin with.  This thought may be on your mind a lot.  No matter what you seem to do, you do not feel like you are saved.  Let me start right out of the gate and tell you that your thoughts happen to many, if not most, Christians.  I have some good news to share, so read on.

George Woodall was a missionary to London’s inner city.  One day a young woman whom he had led to the Lord came to him and said, “I keep getting worried.  Has God really forgiven my past?”  Mr. Woodall replied, “If this is troubling you, I think I know what He would say to you.  He would tell you to mind your own business.”  “What do you mean?” she inquired with a puzzled look.  He told her that Jesus had made her sins His business.  When He took them away, He put them behind His back, dropped them into the depths of the sea, and posted a sign that reads, ‘No fishing!’”  Once we accept Christ, we are saved from our sins once and for all.

Satan knows when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, that our decision is final with the Lord.  Satan cannot take away our salvation, so in order to keep us from serving Jesus as we should, he makes us ineffective by causing us to doubt our salvation.  There is a verse tucked away at the end of the New Testament that brings relief to this doubt: “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).  “These things I have written to you” are nothing more than the scriptures.  In other word, God’s word says that we are saved, thus we “know” we will go to heaven.  Just base our salvation on the fact that Scripture says it, so we will believe it.  This we “know.”  Rest in this fact!