The Top Side of the Bottom

We go through life most of the time with smooth sailing.  We are happy and care free.  There does not seem to be a worry in the world in our lives.  About that time someone pulls the rug right out from underneath us.  The result is that we find ourselves flat on our back.  Our carefree life has taken a tumble.  To make matters worse, one tumble after another hits us broadside.  The carefree life we knew is now in shambles.

What are we to do?  How can we respond when the bottom falls out of our lives?  A helpful hint comes from an unknown author, when he states, “Success is often closest when discouragement is greatest.”  In most biographies that statement rings true.  In so many of the lives of great men and women, soon after the waters settle from the turbulent waves that life brings, a major positive breakthrough occurs in their life.

Scripture seems to validate this conclusion.  So very many of the times, where biblical giants are at their lowest, God shows up with abundant blessings.  What we need to do is to keep our course and follow God.  The Bible gives some helpful words to help us in this situation, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones” (Prov. 17:22).  Thus, to get us out of a discouraging time (“the broken spirit”) we need to have “a joyful spirit.”

Yes, I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking that life does not always allow you to be “joyful.”  That is true and God does use low and discouraging times to teach us.  We are not meant to always live on the mountain top.  So, when the bottom falls out, seek the Lord God for direction and wisdom during those times.  He will direct your path.

Just remember, after the dust of discouragement settles, success and joy may be right around the corner!