What You Don’t Know May Hurt You

You are knowledgeable about a lot of things in life.  You know how to be successful in your job; otherwise, they would fire you from that position.  You are successful in keeping friends.  Many areas of life you can look where you can see yourself doing things correctly.

One problem you may struggle with, though, is you being able to see your shortcomings.  You can be your worst enemy in noticing areas in your life that need change.  An unknown writer said it this way: “One of life’s greatest tragedies is to be lost and not realize it.  The next greatest is to be lost and know it, but not to admit it or do anything about it.”  This quote may apply to you, or to someone you know.  Most people you witness to fall into that first category.  Until you share Jesus as Lord and Savior with them, they do not realize their need for salvation.  Others may know they are lost but do not want to do anything about it.  I had an uncle who was not a Christian.  I was very close to him and we shared many hours together during my growing up years.  Not long ago his health began to fail.  I called him and shared the gospel with him.  He told me he knew he should accept Christ, but he just did not want to do it.  In tears I begged him to accept Christ.  He thanked me for calling, but said even though he knew he should do it, he did not want to make a decision for Christ.

Jesus talked about people who are not Christians and did not realize it.  The religious leaders in Jesus’ day thought they knew God, but in reality, did not.  The disciples understood this in Matt. 16:12, “Then they understood that He did not say to beware of the leaven of the bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”

Being lost and either not knowing it or not acknowledging it, keeps you from accepting Christ as Savior.  Either has the same result.  It is eternal separation from God in hell.  So, what you don’t know can hurt you.  Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior right now!