You may say, “I do not have time for this or for that.” The fact is, you have other things in your life that take a higher priority over the things you do not accomplish. You have heard it said, and it is so true—you make time for the things you find most important.
Benjamin Franklin accomplished a lot in his life. He was an inventor, a politician, and an author among other things. When he talked about using time wisely, he stated it this way, “Do not squander time, because that is the stuff life is made of.” Wow! That is so motivating. Time is a precious commodity God gives you. You do not know exactly how much of it you have, so it makes sense to make extreme use of it. Once this present moment is gone, there is no way to retrieve it. Philip Chesterfield gives some sound advice into the use of your time, when he said, “Know the value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every minute of it.” One way you can use your time wisely, is to make sure you use those short periods of time in your life wisely. So much more can be done in your life, just by wisely using those small chunks of time better.
The Holy Bible encourages you to be careful how you spend your time. It teaches you to use wisdom in the use of your time. “Therefore, be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16). Look at a few key words in those verses, as they relate to time. “Be careful” how you use time. Do not waste your time. Make the use of your time count for something good. Next, “making the most of your time,” means exacts what it says. To use your time, you have to say no to some things in order to say yes to something better.
You are given a slice of time on this earth. Make the most of your time by praying for guidance in the use of your time, and by making the hard decision to say no to one thing in order to say yes to another.