To Tithe or Not to Tithe

One of the proceedings that happen at every church service that you attend is that of the ushers taking an offering.  When you visit different churches, you notice that the offering may be taken in a slightly different way than you are accustomed to it being taken.  The fact remains that the church emphasizes the attendees to give as the offering is taken.

What does the Holy Bible teach in regards to you giving during the offering?  A lot of churches emphasize that members should tithe ten percent of their income.  Is the ten percent biblical?  Let’s see what Scripture has to say in regards to this.

First, look at a story about a family who goes to church and puts something in the offering.  A family was driving home from church.  They were complaining, “The sermon was dry.”  “The people were unfriendly.”  “The music was bad.”  The young boy said, “I didn’t think it was too bad.  After all, we all got in for only five dollars.”  Ha!  Ha!  The story is definitely humorous.  Sorry to say, it is also very true.  So many times, church attendees put just a meager amount into the offering.

The Bible teaches the tithe for the Old Testament but not for the New Testament.  The New Testament teaches that believers are to give on Sunday, in accordance to how the Lord has blessed them financially.  1 Corinthians 16: 2 makes that belief clear: “On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.”

The Word of God teaches that all believers are to give in church when the offering is given; that is a fact you, and all of Christendom will agree with.  Based on the above verse, you should give according to how God has blessed you.  Pass the offering plate please.