Go For It!

Those that know me well say that I am the guy that advises myself and others to sit back and wait upon the Lord.  Since God is in control of events on earth, He will let you know when and where you are to act.  You may seek the Lord in prayer, but the answer will come in His time not yours.

I believe what is stated above with my whole heart, but I also realize there is a time to take the bull by the horns and take action.  Sometimes you must wait on God, but other times you need to take action, and take action now.

Realize things do not have to be absolutely perfect for you to move forward in your decision.  John Henry Newman stated it well when he said, “Nothing would be done at all if a man waited until he could do it so well that no one would find fault with it.”  That truism rings true for many people.  You pray, make plans, and wait upon the Lord to show you the course of action you should take; this is biblical.  What is not biblical is to just keep on waiting and keeping on waiting, while doing nothing.

Jesus walk on the water and the disciples are afraid.  His answer to them is also a good answer to you when you need wisdom: “Take courage; it is I, do not be afraid.”  To overcome obstacles, you must “take courage.”  This implies that you are about to do something.  You do not need to “take courage” if nothing is going to happen.  Jesus, also, tells them, “do not be afraid.”  As uncertainty arises so often does the lack of action increase.  Notice, Jesus also tells them, “it is I.”  You should realize as you try to make a decision about doing something that Jesus is right in the middle of all of it.

Yes, there are times when waiting is the right thing to do, but you probably are guiltier of waiting when God is saying, “Go for it!”  Put that desire God has placed on your heart into action right now.