Sometimes others will be saying something, but you may not be listening. This happens often with men who are in another world, as their wives are talking. They may even hear the words, but they are not listening.
Listening is a required skill. To listen takes effort to focus on what the other person is saying. Often, a lack of listening occurs when you are not very interested in what the other person is saying or you let your mind wonder. At that instant you are not attentive to listen to what is being said.
Former Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, is quoted as having said, “One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears—by listening to them.” When you listen to what is being said by another person, you give them the knowledge that you care about them and what they are saying. Conversely, when you do not listen to someone speaking, you send them the signal that you are not interested in what they are saying. This leads them to think that you are disinterested in them as a person, as well.
Not everything someone says will need your response. Jesus knew this. He says this about listening: “And He said to them, ‘Take care what you listen to’” (Mark 4:24). Jesus is referring to listening to what others have to say, but being careful to act upon everything that you hear.
Just know that it is important for you to listen when others are talking around you, especially when someone is talking directly to you. Think for a moment when you have said something to someone, and it is obvious to you that they did not listen to a word you said. You do not like that being done to you.
Make it a point to listen while others are talking to you. As Jesus said, “take care” to listen to people when they are talking to you. Today, would be a great time to increase your listening skills.