Take a few seconds and think what you believe to be the most impressive Christian quality that a Christian can exhibit on a daily basis. High on your list is going to be Christian love. Not just love but God’s love. I hear you and that is very impressive and shows the world that you are in fact a disciple of Jesus Christ. The quality I want you to think about is what is most “impressive” about that quality of love. Think what you believe that quality may just be.
Many, many qualities are descriptive of Christian love. Many of those are extremely important to the Christian’s witness to the world. I truly believe that Seneca was on the right track when he said, “Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the dumb can understand.” First, think back of the person(s) who first showed love to you. Next, think of that Bible teacher or mentor that influenced you the most. More than likely, the character quality that stands out at the top, or near the top, is the fact that he/she was a person of kindness.
The New Testament gives marching orders for the new Christian in regards to the type of behavior he is to exhibit. It is listed in Colossians 3:12: “So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” Yep, all of those characteristics should be the lifestyle of the Christian. They are all important. “Kindness” is listed among those key attributes.
Show me someone who is kind, and I will show you someone that other people want to be around. There are just, plain and simple, not enough people showing kindness to other people.
Love is the greatest Christian quality, but within that sphere, “kindness” ranks high. Go into your world and spread a little “kindness” around!