The Thorns Of Life

As far back as you can remember, you have had difficult times and situations with which to deal.  Just about the time your life is going well, the bottom falls out and some stressful situation arises.  This seems to be the cycle that your earthly pilgrimage experiences.

In reflecting upon the fact that you have to deal with obstacles, an unknown author says this: “Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.”  When you think of all the obstacles you have faced in life, the severity of each obstacle is in direct proportion to how much you redirect your thinking to focus on that situation.

You view your trials and tribulations in life as some negative occurrence that brings heartache and disillusionment.  It is interesting that the Holy Bible states that trials will definitely be a part of your earthly existence.  What is also interesting is that the Scriptures actually tell you that the outcome of trials can be something very positive: “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12).  The key to receiving that “crown of life” is that you must be the person who “perseveres under trial.”.  In other words, as the trials of life come, and they will come until you are in heaven, you are to keep looking upward to the Lord, and let Him give you the strength you need to overcome that trial.

Yep, make no mistake about it.  There will be many thorns of life to deal with on earth.  As you “persevere under trial,” you will receive a reward and a huge reward indeed; a “crown” in heaven.  Do not get discouraged, but remember that earth is not your home; your home is in heaven.  Your job is to “persevere.”