A Right Perspective Of Prayer

You pray on a daily basis.  You pour your heart out to God and ask Him to do many things.  You may feel a sense of pride in not asking God for many things in your own life, but in asking God to intercede in the lives of others.  You justify your behavior by claiming James 4:2, “You do not have because you do not ask.”

That spiritual discipline is definitely needed in the Christian’s life; much prayer is needed for yourself and others.  Prayer should not be limited to those areas, though.  A little boy was always asking God for things when he prayed.  He said, “God, gimme this; gimme that.”  But when he was through, his mother said, “Son, don’t just ask God for so many things; just report for duty.”  Wow!  That is insightful.  Yes, there are definite times to ask God for things, but it is also important to just make yourself available for His service.  Letting God know you are available to do His will that day is practiced by far too few Christians.

Samuel was a Godly prophet.  He became a prophet at a very young age.  As He was in the temple of God, the Lord spoke to him three times.  Each time he heard the voice of God but did not recognize Who said it.  He got up from his bed and ran to Eli, supposing Eli called him.  After the third time, upon Eli’s request, the Lord called Samuel and he responded, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10).  Samuel is reporting for duty.

Do not discontinue making requests to God for others and yourself, but also include times where you let the Lord Jesus know that you want Him to direct your path.  At that time, ask for guidance and then be still and listen for the voice of God to talk to you.

Report for duty, then accomplish whatever task(s) God gives you!