As you become interested in investing your money to grow and make more money, you quickly learn that one secret is to maximize compound interest. The higher the compound interest, then the more money you can make in the shortest period of time.
Using your spiritual gifts (yes, you have at least one and probably more than one) in the kingdom of God yields huge spiritual dividends. God uses a kind of spiritual compound interest in dispensing His rewards. As you use your spiritual gift(s), God causes its fruitfulness to increase and often gives you additional spiritual gifts. The more you use those gifts, then the greater your bumper crop will be.
One person, when discussing the use of spiritual gifts and the spiritual compound interest in their utilization, put it this way, “A little thing is a little thing; but faithfulness in little things is a very big thing.” Yes, God does not want you to be so concerned about doing some big thing for Him. What the Lord is looking for in you is for you to be faithful with those things He puts in your life. It could be something big, but then again it could be something small and routine. God wants faithfulness and consistency.
Jesus talked to His disciples about being faithful with the spiritual gifts bestowed upon them. He stressed that you should stay true to your spiritual pilgrimage by staying faithful to using your gifts. Two slaves were put in charge of different amounts of money while their master was away. Both took what was given to them and increased their money. The Lord told both of them, “You were faithful in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things” (v. 21, 23).
So, just stay faithful using whatever small or big gift(s) you have. As you stay faithful, God will “put you in charge of many things!”