Does The Bible Puzzle You?

When you were a new Christian, the Holy Bible was very easy to understand after you read it awhile.  As time moved forward, and you studied the Scriptures more, you found that there were numerous verses that puzzled you.  When you talk to unbelievers, you soon find out that almost all of the Word of God makes little sense to them.  At the very least, the Bible puzzles everybody sometimes.

Mark Twain was discussing this matter and summarized what puzzled him about the Scriptures: “Most people are puzzled by those passages in Scripture which they cannot understand, but as for me, I always noticed that the passages in Scripture which trouble me most are those which I do understand.”  That makes a lot of sense.  When you do not understand a passage, then there is no conviction to do better.  When you do understand a passage and are not obeying it, then the Holy Spirit prompts corrective action on your part.

This fact is driven home to you, when the Scriptures discussed the reaction it has between believers and unbelievers: “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18).  Since “the word of the cross” is the “power of God” to believers, then it will result in God molding you into His image.

Yes, the Bible can be puzzling to you at times.  This makes perfect sense, otherwise God would not be infinite.  The mere fact that the Lord is infinite and you are finite, results in your knowledge of God being incomprehensible to you.

The Word of God is “the power of God,” so let it do a supernatural work in your life.  A good time to start is right now!