The Darkest Hour, The Brightest Day

You live each day to the fullest.  You look optimistically at what lies ahead and have a positive outlook on each day.  Having this perspective is biblical and frankly it is the best way to approach life on planet earth.  Although not mentioned much, it is also healthy to keep in mind that one day you will die.  This helps you realize that you were never intended to get too comfortable enjoying this earthly life.

King Phillip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, had a palace servant whose duty it was to approach him every morning with the greeting, “Phillip, remember that you must die.”  Is that a doom and gloom greeting?  Not at all.  It depends upon your perspective.  Sure, you can look at that greeting with a “woe is me” attitude, but you can also look at it focusing on a short life on earth; also, you do not have forever to accomplish God’s purpose for you while on earth.

The Lord God spoke through the prophet Isaiah in talking about the end of life on earth, “He will swallow up death for all time” (Isa. 25:8).  Yes, there will be a time when you die.  The Lord will end death forever and forever.  God wanted to instruct you in what will happen when life on earth occurs, “And the Lord will wipe tears away from all faces, and He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth; for the Lord has spoken” (remainder of verse 8).  When you are ushered from this life to heaven, know that God has a place for you where sorrow will never be known.  There will never be “any more” disappoints in your life.

You may look at death as your darkest hour, but be encouraged because at the same time it will be the brightest day that you have ever known.  With all the love, joy, and many other benefits to heaven, remind yourself on a regular basis that death can happen at any time.  Remember, earthly life is not your home.  You are heaven bound for eternity!