When you think of something that is absolutely essential to your existence, you may think of oxygen. That is an essential element in air for you to exist, but what attribute is essential? You may think of love. Research shows that without love a person cannot perform to their fullest potential. You may consider peace of mind as the essential attribute. It, too, is a great attribute for you to get the most out of your earthly pilgrimage.
An unknown source describes life’s essential attribute: “Unbelievable as it may seem, it is possible for a person to live up to seventy days without food. It is possible to exist for nearly ten days without water. And one can live up to six minutes without air. But there is one thing that is impossible to live without—hope.” Physicians will tell you that on a regular basis people die in hospitals, not because of some terminal illness, but because they have given up hope. Hope is essential to your existence.
In talking about hope the writer of Ephesians had this to say, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (1:18). Paul, here, opens his heart to Christians in stating that “the eyes of your heart may be enlightened.” He yearned for a great desire for all Christians, notedly that “you will know the hope of His calling.” He even goes so far as to tell you what that hope is to be—“the riches of the glory” in being a Christian. Yes, the eternal hope you have is that of your “inheritance,” which is spending eternity in heaven with your Lord and Savior.
Therefore, never lose your hope in Christ that life on this earth is what matters. It is not life on earth, but your hope that one day you will spend eternity in heaven, that really matters. That trumpet sound may be just moments away.