Avoiding A Troubled Waters Life

Many believers find themselves living the Christian life, but feeling little or no peace.  Their life is filled with uncertanities.  No matter what they do, they do not have the peace of Jesus in their life.  There are several reasons that could attribute to this.  One reason is that person is living the life of a believer with doubt.

“The Latin word for doubt, dubitare, comes from an Aryan root meaning ‘two.’  To believe is to be ‘in one mind’ about accepting something as true; to disbelieve is to be ‘in one mind’ about rejecting it.  To doubt is to waver between the two, to believe and doubt at once, and so to be ‘in two minds,’’ Os Guinness.  When you doubt you believe in something on the one hand, but at the same time you disbelieve it.  There is unrest deep within one’s soul when this happens.

When the Holy Bible talks about a believer gaining wisdom, it says, “But he must ask in faith without doubting” (James 1:6).  The reason that a believer cannot ask with “doubting” is because where there is doubt there is total unrest in that person’s life.  Later in verse 8 the Scriptures describe the doubting person’s life as one that is “a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (v. 8).  Notice, that the person who doubts is “unstable in all his ways.”  Doubting is like a cancer that invades the whole person’s life.  The remedy to the doubting was seen in James 1:6 when it said, “he must ask in faith.”  Faith is the cure to the invasion of doubt into a person’s life.

Troubled waters that are brought about by doubt, can be eliminated from your life by living a life through faith.  That means accepting at face value what the Bible says, and acting upon it.

The remedy to doubt is not positive thinking, but when you “ask in faith without any doubting.”  Only Jesus Christ has the power to make that happen in your life.  Ask Him to eliminate doubt right now.