No matter where you turn, you run across people that you want to make a positive impression about yourself. It may be a boyfriend or girlfriend, a boss, a mate, a parent, or whoever. The fact is that you find yourself from time to time throughout life’s journey trying to make a good impression on someone. You want them to think highly about you.
Think for a second about people who have made a good impression on you. A good place to start is a teacher you either have or have had. That person probably impacted you for a very special reason, but one characteristic that is probably included is the character trait of being kind. People that are kind just seem to be remembered for their kindness, and those who lack this quality are also known for their lack of it. Billy Graham hit the nail on the head when he said, “Often the only thing a child can remember about an adult in later years, when he or she is grown, is whether or not that person was kind to him or her.” To be remembered in good light to others, you should be kind to others.
The Holy Bible talks about believers being kind to others. Remember, how the Lord Jesus spoke of Himself; He said He was “gentle and humble.” These are outward manifestations of someone who is kind. Just so Christians act that way to other believers, the Scriptures commands them to “be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has also forgiven you” (Eph. 4:32). Notice, this verse explains how Christians are to be kind to one another. First, it says to be “tenderhearted.” This gives the sense of being empathic toward others. Second, it tells believers to be “forgiving each other.” This means exactly what it says. Forgive other Christians when they wrong you. You are not to act as the Holy Spirit and try to convict them of their wrong or to say that you will forgive but not forget. That is nothing but holding a grudge. Just forgive and be kind when you meet them and when you think about them.
Yes, you will influence many people in your life, and you will make an impression on everyone you meet. So to be remembered well, be kind to others. A good time to start is right now!