You should put your trust into someone who is trustworthy. When you put your trust in someone who is not trustworthy, then the outcome so often is disastrous. So it just makes good sense to put your trust into the hands of the Lord. He alone will always do what is best for you. My parents, when I was growing up, used to tell me repeatedly, “The Lord is your best friend.” Why did they tell me that? Because they wanted to convey the message that He, and He alone, is the only one that would always do what is best me. He will do what is best for you, as well.
In the War of 1861 a timid supporter said to Abraham Lincoln that he hoped the Lord would be on the side of the North. Lincoln replied, “About that I am not at all concerned; but only that we should be on the side of the Lord.” Yes, Lincoln put his trust in the Lord and wished he was sensitive to the Lord and to be on the Lord’s side.
The Wisdom Literature (Proverbs) tells us some wise words about trusting in God in 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Thus, you are to trust God in both small and large matters in your life. Do know follow the advice you get from ungodly people or books.? Look for His guidance in every event in your life. Then when you have done that, the God of this universe will personally guide your paths and help you make each and every right decision. God wants to direct your life to the Godly plan He has for you. The reason you do not feel God’s presence is because you are not allowing Him to direct your life.
So start right now. Trust God completely! Let Him be behind the wheel that directs your life and steer you where He wants you to go. You will be so glad you did.