You Are Rich

          You may be thinking, “you are not talking to me.”  You look at your job and wish you were making more money.  With the money you bring home you say you are definitely not a rich person.  As you look at the house or apartment you live in you see riches being far from your sight.  And that car you drive does not shout to others that you are rich.

            In those areas you can look at yourself as not being rich.  What you need to do is to change your perspective.  Look at life through a different set of lenses.  Socrates was a philosopher who had many wise sayings.  Among those he talked about the value of friends.  He said, “there is no possession more valuable than a good and faithful friend.”  Let that sink in for a minute.  When you are with a good friend you can totally relax and let your hair down.  You do not have to worry about trying to impress him/her.  You feel totally accepted.

            Solomon was the wisest person to ever walk on the face of the earth.  In discussing friends, he said this, “a friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17; NASV).  That is so true.  A good friend is there for you no matter what situation you may find yourself in.  They listen without judging you.

            You are rich in the friends that you have.  The person without friends is much to be pitied.  You may not have a lot of friends but the friends you do have are to be treasured in your life.  In fact, you probably will not have a lot of really good friends during your life.  But it those one or two good friends that make your life so full.

            Rejoice!  You have friends and that makes you rich.  Take time to stop and thank Christ for giving you the good friends in your life.  Remember, a blessing shared is twice a blessing.  Thank Christ for your friends right now!