Too often you are influenced by others and do exactly what they do. Those young in age are extremely susceptible to peer pressure. It would be nice if you learned to stand firm against peer pressure as you get older. That is not always the case. When you are surrounded by friends, it is easy just to follow along and fit right in with the crowd.
Although that is the easy way to live, being a Christian means taking an alternate plan of action. You are to be the one who is different As hard as it may be, doing the right thing above the popular thing is the way Christ calls you to live. Being the one who sets the example is not an easy thing to do but is the Christian thing to do. An unknown author put it this way: “The most valuable gift you can give another is a good example.” I know. It is easier said than done. The world needs more people to lead the right way for others to follow. You need to be that person.
But how do you know the right way to lead others? How can you set the example if you do not know what to do yourself? The Bible explains how to get to heaven. Yes, that has to be your primary goal in your relationship with others. Right after that the Scriptures direct the Christian to tell him/her how to live while on this earth. In dealing with others Christ tells you how you are to live. Following Christ’s command leads to you living the example you are to live every moment of every day. Christ said, “For I gave you an example that you should do as I did to you” (John 13:15; NASV). Live your life in such a way that your every action is the action Christ would do in the situation.
People are watching you. You may find it hard to believe but they are observing your actions. Let them see your good actions, so they can follow it. Do so today!