Know that as you walk in faith in serving Christ that trials and temptations are sure to come. Christ warned you that in this life it would be full of spiritual battles. This earthly life if full of one spiritual battle after another.
Do you feel discouraged? Remember the goal worth reaching isn’t reached easily. It is easy to feel discouraged. Sometimes you feel like one event solved leads to another challenging event. You put out one fire, and right behind it is another. You must remind yourself that anything in this life worth pursuing does not get accomplished easily.
Keeping discouragement at bay can only be done by focusing your attention on Christ and not the events around you. Scripture tells you that this back-and-forth struggle is all out spiritual warfare. Scripture calls it a “fight.” “Fight the good fight of faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:12; NASV). To “fight the good fight” takes endurance. And you gain that endurance by realizing you are in a fight. This endurance comes by focusing your attention on that eternal reward you will one day get in heaven.
As you apply that “fight,” realize you are to “fight” only one battle at a time. Often times you get caught blind-sided with several battles coming at you at once. Relax! Handle each “battle” fully and completely before going to the next. Disappointment is sure to come if you jump from one battle to the next accomplishing nothing and staying too busy.
Approach each day with the thought that you will have the endurance to complete the day to the glory of Christ. Just “fight the good fight!” Serve Christ fully every day!