You may presently feel the urge to start something new or start doing something you stopped doing in the past. There are several things that come to your mind: start an exercise program, start that diet one more time, begin a new hobby, begin again your daily Bible devotions, attend church regularly, or be more consistent in Bible study and prayer. No matter what comes to your mind, you realize that this activity is going to take time, which seems to run through your fingers like fast moving water. You just do not see how that is going to get done, or more specifically, you don’t seem to get motivated to do what you know needs doing.
Charles Burton put his finger on how you can accomplish the things in your life that need accomplishing when he said, “You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it.” That is so simple and straight forward, but putting that into action in your daily life requires some discipline. The fact remains, though, if you want something in your life you have to make the time to accomplish it. Nothing worthwhile in life just happens. To start or improve in an area of your life requires that you stop and make time for it to occur.
Take your Holy Bible and blow the dust off the OT book Hosea. Tucked away in this prophet’s words you see the words, “…for it is time to seek the Lord…” (10:12). Don’t you think that you have spent enough time just casually going through life, maybe even just casually attending church, but now you realize it is time to get down to business and really “seek the Lord.”
To “seek the Lord” begins with a change of heart, which in turn, starts with you diligently, fervently, pouring your heart out to God in prayer. Follow this up with consistent, daily Bible reading and Bible study. And don’t forget. You cannot “seek the Lord” at this “time” of your life all alone; you need good Christian fellowship. This makes involvement in the local church body a must. Find a church that resonates with you and where there is good Bible teaching, and attend faithfully.
So make time to “seek the Lord” today! As you continue this practice, notice how the Lord changes you from within.