You look around yourself and you see many, many good people. You may even include yourself in that group. They are the good citizens who make up this great country you live in. These people have way more good characteristics than bad ones. They are the do gooders of your society. In fact, if asked to name some negative areas of their lives they may be hard pressed to name some. In short, they are plain and simple good citizens. There is absolutely nothing wrong with do your civic duty and helping others; in fact, may their tribe increase.
What is sad is that good citizens often times see themselves as having no real faults or hang-ups. They dismiss their faults by letting others know that everybody has shortcomings and that no one is perfect. Humanly speaking they are correct. Therein lies the problem. “The greatest of all faults is to be conscious of none” (Thomas Carlyle). By them not realizing that they have faults, they must become aware that is a fault.
The Holy Scriptures talk about people who say that they have no faults. John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, addresses this issue: “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). Thus, when you think that you have no sin or faults, you deceive yourself and are not a Christian. Deception is a funny thing; just when you try to tell someone of his/her faults or sins, they fail to see it. The only remedy for this is for the Holy Spirit to reveal to them their sins.
After you realize your sins, what are you to do? Should you just forget them and try to do better? Not on your life. John knew that questions would arise, so he tells us exactly what to do a few verses later: “And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1). This verse tells believers to take their sins to the Lord Jesus, admit that you committed them, asking for forgiveness, and Jesus will intercede (being our Advocate) to God the Father on your behalf.
To summarize, be a good citizen but also realize your shortcomings or sins and take them to Christ for Him to forgive you! Then enjoy the tranquil peace that will fill your entire being. What a way to live!