Let’s Get Excited

          There is a need to get excited about the things of Christ.  You get excited when your football team scores a touchdown.  You get excited when an unexpected, special guest wants to have lunch with you.  You get excited when a baby is born in your family.  So many things stir those heart felt emotions in your life.

            If a man stands up and cheers for a football team in a stadium, he is called a “fan.”  But if he stands up and cheers with conviction for the cause of Jesus Christ, he is labeled a “fanatic.”

            Have you noticed?  When it comes to life occurrences, the world allows, and even encourages you to get excited.  Not so, in the spiritual realm.  Whatever you do, when you attend church, do not get too excited.  Not only is it frowned upon, but you can even be shunned by members of the church.

            I know.  There is a time and place for everything.  And as you go to church, that is not the time or place to get excited.  Knowing this, is there ever a time or place to get excited in Christ’s kingdom work?  Yes, there is.  Let the Scriptures speak for themselves: “who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14; NKJV).  Even though you can experience negative emotions in being too excited in church, Christ tells you there is one place where being excited is, not only allowed, but is encouraged.  And where is that?  It is in your “good works.”

            So, let’s get exited in doing “good works” for Christ.  Not only get excited, but super excited.  As the verse says, be “zealous for good works.”  Get excited about that!

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