Being a Busybody

          You have a lot on your plate.  In fact, your life is going from one activity to another.  Just about the time you get finished doing one thing, another one pops up.  It would be easy to rid yourself of some of these events if some of them were non-significant.  The fact being, though, is that all of them seem to need your attention, and need it right now.

            Someone viewing your life from the outside, may say you are a busybody.  And deep down inside yourself, you can definitely see why they would say so.  Often times you find that some of the things you do are for other people.  If you are not careful, too many things you are doing are for others.  “There are two reasons why some people can’t mind their own business.  One is that they haven’t have any mind; and the other is they haven’t any business” (Typo Graphic).  Ha!  Ha!  Sad to say, many busybodies fit that description.

            The Scriptures talk about people who are busybodies.  “For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies” (2 Thessalonians 3:11; NKJV).  You may find yourself in such a situation.  From day-to-day, you are busy, but when you think back over your day, you accomplished absolutely nothing.  The Word of God goes on to tell you how to avoid being a busybody.  The next verse says, “Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own food.”  It tells you to mind your own business.  Just stay by yourself and tend to your own matters.

            Being a busybody needs attention.  No matter if you are doing great things or not, you are not to be a busybody.  Christ commands you to not be a busybody.  Being too busy has a negative result.  Ulcers!  Attend to your own business!

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