Deleting Doubt

          It would be nice if you could delete doubt from your mind.  The fact is that doubt often raises its ugly head and interferes with your thinking.  A huge trial comes in your life, and you doubt that Christ loves you.  You doubt that Christ cares for you anymore.  Then you hit rock bottom, and doubt if you are even saved.  Times of doubt happen at one time or another to every Christian.

            “The Latin word for doubt, dubitare, comes from an Aryan root meaning ‘two.’  To believe is to be ‘in one mind’ about accepting something as true; to disbelieve is to be ‘in one mind’ about rejecting it.  To doubt is to wavier in between the two, to believe and doubt at once, and so to be ‘in two minds’” (Os Guinness).  To have peace of mind, you cannot have doubts.  You must eliminate the disbelief, so you can be in one mind.  At that point you can believe.

            Scripture affirms that as you doubt you are in two minds.  “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts in like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6; NKJV).  This verse is saying that as you doubt, there is no peace in your life.  Again, agreeing with doubt being in two minds, where there is no peace.

            You are agreeing with what I said, but you are wondering how to delete doubt from your life.  How can you get from being “in two minds” into being “in one mind?”  One of the main reasons I love the Bible, is because it is just so plain practical.  It tells you exactly how you are to live your life.  All have to do is put its truth into your daily living.  That verse in James tells you to eliminate or delete doubt in your life by exercising faith.

            Delete doubt in your life by living by faith.  Put biblical truth into your daily activities.  Do so by Christ’s power!

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