From the day we are born to the day we die there is one thing we do every day—communicate. The communication may be verbal or non-verbal, but the fact remains that we do communicate. That said, we must stop every once in awhile and ask ourselves, “What am I communicating?” The content and non-verbal mannerisms that we use say much about what is important to us.
“There are only four things that people you communicate with won’t forgive you for: not being prepared, not being comfortable, not being committed, and not being interesting” (Roger Ailes). These are all worth noting when we communicate with others. No one likes to talk to someone that rambles, is uncomfortable talking to us, is not committed to something, or is out-and-out boring. You should not be boring when you talk to others either privately or publicly. I believe the biggest disfavor a public speaker, especially a preacher, can make is to bore those listening to him. The people listening have given up precious time to listen to the speaker. What is true of the public speaker is also true of private conversation. When you talk to others, don’t be boring and if you sense they are uncomfortable about what you are talking about either make it more interesting, change the subject, or just keep quiet.
The Holy Bible commands believers to communicate the eternal things with those you encounter on a daily basis. It states it this way: “Preach the word be ready in season and out of season…” (2 Timothy 4:2). I can hear you now, “But preaching is not my job, it is the preacher’s job.” Wait one minute. To gain a proper perspective you need to do a little homework and look at the definition of “preach”; it means “to declare, to proclaim.” Thus, every Christian is to declare or proclaim the Good News of salvation and what the Scriptures declare about daily living. It is every believer’s responsibility to declare this, not just the pastor’s responsibility. So, to quote Roger Ailes, you should declare the Scriptures in such a way that you make sure that you are interesting.
Go share the Scriptures in such a way that you are interesting to others! You may even find they want to know more.