Joy in the Fire

          To some degree, you know all too well, about trials in your life.  They seem to never ease up.  About the time you get over one, the next one lifts its ugly head.  If there is one thing that you experience during your earthly pilgrimage, it is the existence of trials in your life.

            If you are not careful, those trials can separate you from your loving Heavenly Father.  I know, during them, Christ seems far away.  But it through those fiery ordeals, that Christian growth occurs.  As much as you enjoy those fun times, Christian growth occurs ever so slowly there.  James G. Bildey puts it this way, “You will never be the person you want to be if pressure, tension, and discipline are taken out of your life.”  As the jeweler must cut away parts of the gem to bring out the hidden beauty of the stone, so trials occur in your life to make you the person Christ wants you to be.

            In discussing trials and suffering, the Bible book that comes to mind in 1 Peter.  Within that book, Scripture reminds you of the necessity of trials.  “Behold, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as some strange thing happened to you, but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy” (4:12-13; NKJV).  So, the result of trials in your life, is that you have joy.  In fact, you are to rejoice when you are going through trials.

            This means that you are to have joy in the fire of trials and afflictions in your life.  Yes, it is so different from the way the world around you handles conflict.  That is exactly why Christ told you to be in the world, but not of the world.  Today and every day, have joy in the fire!

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