The Sting of Death

          Death is that word that you do not like to talk about.  If you want to put a still hush into a conversation, just bring up the topic of death.  No one likes to talk about it.  In fact, no one likes to even think much about it.  You can rest assured, that one day it will become a reality in your life.

            Skirting around the topic does not make it go away.  Since it is a fact, you will do well to be prepared for it.  It may not happen today, tomorrow, next month, or even next year, but one day it will happen.  It is a reality.  “Mankind is plagued with the two problems of sin and death, “ said Albert Camus, existential philosopher and atheist.  He added that Christianity addresses these problems.  Since those topics are discussed in the Bible, you will do well to know what it says about them.

            In regards to death, the Scriptures are not silent.  Discussing death, Christ says in His own words: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life” (John 5:24; NKJV).  Christ emphasizes this statement by saying “most assuredly.”  Stating that what follows is of the utmost importance.  You must “hear My word” Christ says.  And what has He been stating?  That Christ must glorify the Father above.  You do that by having a personal relationship with Christ.  You must accept Christ as your Lord and Savior.  He saved you from your sins, and now you must totally live to please Him.  The result – you will have life vice death.

            Just know that for the believer in Christ, death does not exist.  Yes, one day you will die, but you will never suffer spiritual death.  The sting of death does not exist for the Christian.  So, obey Christ more fully!  Start today!

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