Dying to Live

          With this title, you are probably thinking about physically dying and then totally living one day in heaven.  That, indeed, will be a wonderful day!  But, that is not the thought I have in mind here.  I have something different.

            Your deepest desire is to be well pleasing to Christ.  You want every part of everyday to honor Him.  When you put your head on your pillow at night, you want to feel like Christ was honored that day.

            How do you do that?  Is it humanly possible?  The answer to both of those questions is stated by an unknown author: “A Christian is: A mind through which Christ thinks.  A voice through which Christ speaks.  A heart through which Christ loves.  A hand through which Christ helps.”  Put those words into daily practice, and you will live the kind of life Christ wants you to live.

            How exactly can you live a life like I mentioned above?  Scripture is very specific in answering that question.  “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20a; NKJV).  When Christ was crucified, what did that mean?  A book could be written to explain that question.  One thing it meant was that Christ was obedient to the Father’s will in His life. Just as Christ obeyed His Father, so you must obey Christ.  Life will not always be easy.  You will have to stand alone sometimes.  That verse continues to go on and say, “Christ lives in me.”  All your thoughts, actions, and words are to be those that Christ would do, if He were in your place.

            Martin Luther once opened the door to his home.  Someone asked if Martin Luther was at home.  He responded, “Martin Luther died.  Christ lives here now.”  You must die to yourself and live daily for Christ!

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