Stay Focused

          You go through life putting one foot in front of the other.  You do well, until some bump in the road gets you side-tracked.  You may not get off course by a small obstacle, but let a big enough obstacle come along, and you go down a detour.  If you are not careful, you will never get back on the right road again.

            David Livingstone has some wise counsel in regards to living your life.  His motto is: “Anywhere, provided it is forward.”  You assess your options.  You weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each one.  Then you move on.  You move on with the one that helps you get closer to your goal.  This requires that you say no to those other considerations.

            One thing I love so much about the Scriptures, along with many other things, is the fact of how it relates to life here on earth.  “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead” (Galatians 3:13).  First, you must realize, that you are not where you want to be.  That is all well and done, but you must also realize you need to change.  Realizing a need to change and making changes in your life are two different things.  You must acknowledge the need and put effort into making changes.  To change, what must you do?  Forget about the past.  Do not live in your past.  Then put forth all your energy in accomplishing those goals ahead.  Those are the goals, which you need to make in your life to bring about the desired change(s).

            Thus, do not allow past accomplishments or failures to control your life.  They are in the past and leave them there.  Put your energy in living the way you need to, in order to accomplish your goals. And don’t look back!

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