Putting Trust Into Practice

          You trust that you will wake up every morning.  As you go to bed, you rest assured that the next morning you will wake up.  With the most assured feelings, you trust that the plans you have today will go uninterrupted.  Occasionally, those plans get changed.  You must make adjustments and move on with your life.

            How about your trust in Christ?  Do you fully trust Him?  Do you follow Him in big and small decisions?  Does He act as your guide in life every day?  And if so do you follow Him?

            No matter how much human effort you put forth, the human element will always have some error in it.  “In the townhall in Copenhagen stands the world’s most accurate clock.  It took forty years to build, at a cost of over a million dollars.  That clock has ten faces, 15,000 parts, and is accurate to two-fifths of a second every 300 years. . . . Like all clocks, that timepiece in Copenhagen must be regulated by a more precise clock, the universe itself.  This mighty astronomical clock, with its billions of moving parts, from atoms to stars, rolls on century after century with movement so reliable that all time on earth can be measured against it” (Haddon Robinson).

            Since the universe was created by the word of Christ, and it is infinitely reliable, you can trust Christ with everything in your life.  Scripture dictates that you put all things under His control in your life.  “Commit your way to the Lord.  Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5; NKJV).  As you give Christ complete control of your life, He will give you your needs.

            It is time for you to put this complete trust in Christ into your daily practice.   Then leave the results to Him!

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