When investing you like to know that you are investing in a sure thing. You do not want to invest your funds into something where there is a lot of risk and there is the possibility of losing everything. You may dabble with some funds in the short term with risky strategies, but with the majority of your funds you want to feel you have made a wise investment.
What is true about investing in a sure thing is absolutely true about how you feel about your salvation. There may be times that you struggle with whether or not you are really saved. At times it can even plague you. You just don’t know for sure you are going to heaven. A little boy was being tempted by the Devil about whether or not he was going to heaven and whether he was really saved when he was in bed one night. He was getting nowhere with the temptations the Devil was bringing. Then he finally opened his Bible to 1 John 5:13, put it under his bed, and said to the Devil, “Here, you read it for yourself.”
Many years ago when I was growing from a baby Christian to a mature Christian, I constantly struggled almost daily for months on end about being sure I was saved. It was awful. I was in a leadership position in the church I attended and I secretly struggled with the most basic premise of Christianity—being saved. It wasn’t until I came across 1 John 5:13 that the cloud of disillusionment was replaced with the clarity of assurance. I wrote the date that I became sure I was a Christian on a piece of paper and then a few times after that when the Devil tempted me that I was not saved, I read 1 John 5:13 to him and said I know I am saved. 1 John 5:13 says, “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life.” “These things I have written to you” are none other than the words of Scripture. The Bible is written “in order that you may know that you may know that you have eternal life.” Notice, it says “that you may know.” Not a maybe, but have a 100% assurance that you will go to heaven; thus, that you are saved.
So know you will never again have to struggle with the assurance that you are saved. You know you are saved!