A Word to the Worry Wart

          You may be someone who worries all the time.  You are in a constant state of worrying about this thing or that.  Or, you may the one who is more selective about what you worry about.  You worry about this or that, but have some time between those events.  It really does not matter which category you fall into.  Both are to be avoided.

            Corrie Ten Boom has some wise words to tell you, concerning worry.  She said: “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, it empties today of its strength.”  No matter how hard, and frequently, you worry, it will not change anything dealing with tomorrow.  Worry only effects today.  As you worry, it robs you of the joy, that you are meant to have for today.

            Christ preached the most profound sermon in the history of man.  During that sermon, He talked about worry in 10 verses.  Christ knows you inside and out.  He knows your tendency to worry.  He starts His sermon with the words, “do not worry.”  Christ gives numerous reasons for you not to worry.  He gives you a remedy to stop worrying in your life.  Plain and simple, Christ said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33; NKJV).  When you serve Christ, you eliminate worry.  You cannot be involved in putting Christ first in your life and to worry at the same time.

            Christ gives you the remedy to avoid worrying in your life.  Right after He says this, He commands to avoid worrying in your life: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (verse 34; NKJV).

            Do not let worry rob you of today’s joy.  Flood your mind with Scripture!  Watch worry flee quickly!

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