A Forgotten Spiritual Gift

          Let’s take a moment and survey your spiritual life.  Look closely within yourself.  What spiritual gift(s) do you see?  Maybe the gift of helps.  Or the gift of faithfulness in church attendance.  Or, how about being friendly?  Perhaps, you even have the gift of teaching.  Or of faith.  These are all good and much needed in the family of God.

            One gift, not mentioned above, is one that every single Christian has at his/her disposal.  It is the gift of prayer.  There’s no weapon half so mighty, as the intercessors bear; nor a greater field of service, than the ministry of prayer.  Prayer moves the heart of Christ.  He does not answer your prayers, like a genie responds to the wishes of his master.  Instead, Christ loves you and wants to commune with you, because you are His child.

            Scripture tells you to be a person of prayer.  “He shall regard the prayer of the destitute, and shall not despise their prayer” (Psalm 102:17; NKJV).  As a matter of fact, every Christian comes before the Lord as a person who is “destitute.”  You approach His throne, as one who is in need.  The Lord is the only One, who can accomplish that particular prayer need you bring before Him.

            You pray to Christ, as a matter of survival.  When you fail in your prayer life, you fail in your Christian life.  The victorious Christian life is a life devoted to prayer.  The two go together like a candle and a match.  Without the match, the candle is not very effective in producing light.

            Even though prayer is essential to your living the abundant Christian life, the gift of prayer is often over- looked.  You may have the gift of prayer.  Being a prayer warrior, to intercede for others, is often a forgotten spiritual gift.  You may have it as a gift.  If so, put it to work daily!