You have some medical ailment, that you want to go away. You have had it for some time, and it just lingers on and on. Or, maybe, you seem to battle one illness after another. Just about the time you get well from one ailment, you contract another one.
The problem at hand could be a weak immune system. It could, also, be something totally unrelated to the physical illness. The late Billy Graham spent a lot of time in hospitals ministering to those sick within their doors. After countless hours of ministering to them, he came to a stark realization. He believed that 75 percent of patients in hospitals would be made well if they would forgive. Medical research and careful Bible study, both come to the same conclusion in regards to physical health and forgiveness; they both conclude that lack of forgiveness leads to poor physical health.
You may even say that you cannot forgive yourself, because you do not feel that Christ can forgive you. Scripture says otherwise. “For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive. And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon you” (Psalm 86:5; NKJV). Christ is there waiting for you to ask Him for forgiveness. No matter is too small or too large. The mere fact that forgiveness is needed, dictates your need to ask for forgiveness. The verse continues that Christ is rich in “mercy.” Thus, you do not get what should come to you. The very thing that needs forgiveness, Christ says is forgiven. With it no punishment, that should be given, will be experienced by you. You are forgiven totally!
The very way in which you may get physically healed, is just one simple statement — Christ forgive me for ______ (you fill-in the gap). Then you are forgiven. Go enjoy it!